Wear Red Day (赤い服着用の日)- Level 3

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A lot of heart disease seen in US. This is especially seen among the obese women. Many of them do not have a healthy diet. One in three women dies from heart disease every year. A day in the US was called the Wear Red Day. The First Day of February is a special day in the US. People wear red clothes. On seeing this, people think about heart diseases which is a big problem for women in the US. Most people can prevent the disease if they eat well and exercise. A good diet includes grains, fruits and vegetables will help to prevent the diseases. They need to stop smoking and relax as well.


  1. On which day is Wear Red Day held?
  2. What do people wear on this day?
  3. What does it remind people of?
  4. Which type of the women are facing heart diseases?
  5. What does a good diet include?
  6. What should people stop?
  7. Do you follow a healthy diet?
  8. How many women are facing this problem?
  9. What is your opinion?