Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Oil has been getting more expensive since 2008. Russia attacks Ukraine in February 2022. The US and EU countries stop importing its oil. The US and EU wanted Russia to stop the war. Because they do not have enough oil, the price of it goes up.
oil (石油), get more (どんどん上がる), expensive (高価な), import (輸入する), enough (十分な), go up (上がる)
- Since when has oil become expensive?
(石油の価格はいつから高くなってきた?) - Who stopped importing oil from Russia?
(誰がロシアからの石油の輸入をとめた?) - Why did oil become expensive?
(なぜ、石油は高価になったのか?) - What is your opinion?