Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Canine Companions in Orlando, US, an organization that has 475 dogs, teaches them to do specific tasks. 70 of the dogs help children in the hospital by making them happy. One such dog is Parks. He is a Labrador retriever. He performs many tasks such as opening doors or pulls wheelchairs. Everyday day he learns something new. Parks helps children in a way we people find it difficult to do. He is creating a change in the hospital’s environment. All this took him two months to get trained. There is no cost involved in the training of these dogs.
Orlando (オーランド, アメリカフロリダ州中央部に位置する都市), Labrador retriever (ラブラドールレトリバー), in a way (方法で), people find it difficult to do (人々が思いつかない)
- What is the name of the organization?
- Where is the organization?
- What was the dog’s name that made children feel happy?
- What kind of a dog was Parks?
- How many months does it take to train the dog?
- Why do you think, Park is making a change in the hospital?
- Is there money involved in training the dogs?
- What is your opinion?