A New Village (新しい村)- Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

An old village that has only 7100 people, is named Fuentes de Andalucia, changed its name to Ukraine. This name was kept during Easter in 2022. The streets names were also changed. Reason for the change in the name was to make people aware of Ukrainian war. The people of this village raise money to support Ukraine people.

village (村), named (という名の), Fuentes de Andalucia (フエンテス・デ・アンダルシア, スペインの村), Ukraine (ウクライナ), Easter (十字架にかけられて亡くなったキリストが、その3日目に復活したことを祝う「復活祭」, 毎年変わる。3月~4月の日曜日), make people aware of ~(~を人々に思い起こさせる), raise (寄付する)


  1. Was the village old or new?
  2. Was the village name changed?
  3. How many people are there in the village?
  4. What is your opinion?