The Boat that Flies (空飛ぶボート)- Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Two French professors made a flying boat called JetCycle in 2020. A foil is put in front and back of the boat. It makes boat fly and can move at 9 kilometers per hour. Price of one boat is 12,000 euros. 100 boats were sold in two years.

professor(教授), call~(~と名付ける), foil (フォイル:水中翼。ボードの下に取り付けられたフィン状のアタッチメントが海中を進むことで揚力を生み、まるで飛行するかのようにボートが浮く仕組み。), in front of (前面に), make ~fly (~を浮揚させる), euro(ユーロ), sold(sell売る の過去分詞)


  1. Can the boat fly?
  2. What was the boat’s name?
  3. How many boats were sold in two years?
  4. What is your opinion?