Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A high school teacher in Chile uses rap rhythm for his teaching and makes his class more attractive. He uses rap to bring the coursework more interesting. He used to be a rap musician in the city busses to earn money. This 26 years old teacher is popular in school. Since the students of his school saw him when he sung rap songs in the bus asked him, he started to use rap rhythm for his class. All this kept his students focused in their learning.
used to ~ (かつて~をしていた), since ~ (~なので), keep ~ focus (~を集中させ続ける)
- How old was the teacher?
- Did he make the children happy?
- Why did he sing rap music in the buses?
- Was the teacher popular in school?
- Was he a high school teacher?
- How did the teacher keep the students focused in their work?
- What is your opinion?