Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A person went snorkeling in the Colorado River, US. Two human skeletons were found. Police were called and they said that the skeletons were not real. The skeletons were put in the water by two divers.
snorkeling (シュノーケリング), human (人の), skeleton (骸骨), call (通報をする), real (本物), diver (ダイバー)
- Where were the skeletons found?
(骸骨はどこで見つかりましたか?) - How many skeletons did the person find?
(発見者は何体の骸骨を見つけましたか?) - Who put the skeleton there?
(誰が骸骨をそこに置いたのですか?) - Were the skeletons real?
(骸骨は本物ですか?) - What is your opinion?