Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
The giant killer salamander lived 200 million years ago in lakes and rivers. It looked like a crocodile. The length of it was as long as a small car. It had a large head and a mouth with full of teeth and ate fish.
killer (肉食の), salamander (サンショウウオ), million (百万), crocodile (ワニ), length (長さ), as long as (同じの長さ), mouth (口), full of teeth (多くの歯), ate (eatの過去形)
- What did giant salamander eat?
(巨大サンショウウオは何を食べましたか?) - How long was the salamander?
(そのサンショウウオはどれほどの長さでしたか?) - When did the salamander live?
(そのサンショウウオはいつ生息していましたか?) - Have you seen the salamander and where?
(あなたはサンショウウオを見たことはありますか?) - What is your opinion?