Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A 15-year-old Russian figure skater, Kamila Valieva, was at the Winter Olympic Games in China. She and her team won a gold medal. The figure skater had taken illegal drug named trimetazidine. Though the athletes are not allowed to take the drug, it helps them to train harder and longer.
figure skater (フィギアスケート選手), Kamila Valieva (カミラ ワリエワ), Winter Olympic (冬季オリンピック), won (win勝つ の過去形), illegal (違法の), trimetazidine(トリメタジジン), though (だけれども), athlete (選手), allow (許す), harder and longer (よりはげしく長く)
- How old was Kamila Valieva?
(カミラ ワリエワは何歳ですか?) - What did Kamila do?
(カミラは何をしたのですか?) - What was the name of the drug that was taken by the skater? (スケーターが服用した薬の名前は何ですか?)
- What is your opinion?