Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A lab took a sample of a 15-year-old Russian figure skater in December, 2021. The skater’s name is Kamila Valieva who took part in the Winter Olympics in Beijing, China. The result of the sample said that she used trimetazidine. This drug was usually given to patients with heart problems and it is illegal drag for the athlete. The athletes were taking the drug to train themselves longer and harder. Valieva and her team won a gold medal at the Olympics, but because she took the drug, the officials postponed the medal ceremony. The Russian anti-doping agency suspended for Valieva and her team to take part in the official athlete competition. Valieva was the world record holder. Nine world records were set in her career. The drug was used to treat chest pain and dizziness of patients. The use of drugs boosted the blood flow of the athletes.
Kamila Valieva (カミラ ワリエワ), trimetazidine (トリメタジジン), dizziness (めまい)
- How old was Kamila Valieva?
- What did Kamila do?
- What was the name of the drug that was taken by the skater?
- Why was the medal ceremony postponed?
- Why were the athletes taking the drugs?
- How many world records did Valieva set?
- Is illegal drag usage a big problem in Japan too?
- What is your opinion?