Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Franziska and her friend get an idea to recycle bottles by making sand from them. People lend them money to get a machine that breaks glass into small pieces. Metal, plastic and paper is taken out of the machine. Sand is used a lot by people so, by breaking bottles into small pieces to make sand is a useful way to make more sand.
get an idea (アイデアを得る), recycle (再利用する), lend (貸す), machine (機械), metal (金属),take out (取り出す), useful way (効果のある方法)
- Who get an idea to recycle bottles?
(誰がボトルのリサイクルのアイデアを思いつきましたか?) - What did the people give them to buy the machine?
(機械を買う為に人々は彼らになにをしましたか?) - What was taken out of the machine?
(機械から何を取り出しますか?) - What is your opinion?