Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
There is a festival dedicated entirely to the mud. People of South Korea take part in the 17th annual mud festival. All the people have to get covered in grim grey sludge. They come in clean clothes and leave looking like they crawled out of a swamp. They take part in mud-wrestling pits and enjoy mud slides. The game is played in such a way that the person with maximum points of being dirty wins the game. People from all over the world around 3 million come to take part in this festival. All the people have to get as muddiest as possible. Every mud festival ends on July 26th. The whole time while taking part in the game, the people are enjoying to become dirty.
dedicate (捧げる), grim grey sludge(柔らかな泥), swamp(泥沼)
- Which country does it hold the mud festival?
- What do people do during this festival?
- How many people attend the festival?
- When does the festival end every year?
- How does one win the game?
- Would you like to play in the mud? Why?
- What would you do if you were given a chance to take part in this festival?
- Have you played in mud before?
- What is your opinion?