Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A Brazilian plane had to have an emergency landing but it was too heavy. Due to this, the pilot made the plane lighter by letting some fuel out of it. The front wheels of the plane were not working. Luckily the plane lands well and no is injured.
emergency landing (緊急着陸), due to (そのため), make lighter (軽くする), let some fuel out (燃料を減らして), front wheel (前輪), work (稼働する), be injured (怪我をする)
- What did the pilot do to make the plane light?
(パイロットは飛行機を軽くするのに何をしましたか?) - Were the front wheels of the plane working properly?
(前輪はきちんと稼働しましたか?) - Was anyone in the plane injured?
(機内の誰かがけがをしましたか?) - What is your opinion?