Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
The front landing gear of a Brazilian plane did not work well. The plane was heavy. To make it light, the pilot went in circles around Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, to let out fuel. Later he landed well without anyone in the plane getting injured. The plane landed on its back wheels. The airport crew put foam on the plane to make sure it should not get caught on fire. Due to this, many flights got delayed but everyone in the plane could escape safely.
landing gear (前輪), go in circle (ぐるぐる廻る), foam (消火用の泡), make sure (確実なものとする), get caught on fire (火事を起こす)
- What did the pilot do to make the plane light?
- Were the front wheels of the plane working properly?
- Was anyone in the plane injured?
- Why were the other planes delayed?
- Where did the pilot circle to reduce the fuel?
- How did the plane land?
- What is your opinion?