Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A Chinese man has the unusual hobby. He loves to eat a few iron nails at once. All the nails are three to five centimeters long. He started this a few years ago. He eats nails then drink water. He also eats glass, ceramics and tiles. Surprisingly, he is always healthy.
unusual (普通でない), hobby (趣味), iron (鉄製の), nail (釘), at once (同時に), ceramic (陶器), tile (タイル), surprisingly(驚くべきことに), healthy (健康的な)
- What is the man’s hobby?
(男の趣味は何ですか?) - How many iron nails does he eat at once?
(一度に何本の釘を彼は食べますか?) - What does he do after eating the nails?
(釘を食べた後に彼は何をしますか?) - What does he eat other than iron nail?
(彼は釘以外に何を食べますか?) - What is your opinion?