Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Goats in the state of Washington, USA flew by helicopter. The mountain goats are in a national park and eat the plants in the farm. A goat also killed a person in 2010. People wanted to solve the problem so they flew 375 goats in a helicopter to another national park.
goat (やぎ), state of Washington (ワシントン州), flew (fly飛行する の過去形), mountain goat (山やぎ), national park (国立公園), plant (農作物), farm (農場), solve (解決する)
- What kind of goats were these?
(どういう種類のやぎがそこには居ましたか?) - Which troubles did these cause?
(やぎはどの様な問題を起こしましたか?) - What happened in 2010?
(2010年に何が起きましたか?) - How many goats were taken to the other place?
(何頭のやぎが他の場所に連れられましたか?) - Where were the goats taken to?
(やぎはどこに連れて行かれましたか?) - What is your opinion?