Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
An Egyptian designed a dress with QR code on its sleeve. This code made it useful to the tourists. They could get information on mosques, Museums and pyramids of Egypt. These dresses also had the motifs from Egyptian pharaohs. Names, addresses, operating hours and price of tickets could also be accessed by using this code. Egypt attracts tourists all over the world, mainly to the capital city of Cairo where the pyramids are situated. There are several museums in the city that displays the mummies discovered in the region.
sleeve (袖), mosque (モスク), motif (模様), pharaoh (エジプトの王), mummy (ミイラ)
- Where was the QR code seen on the dress?
- Why was the dress special?
- Why was it useful to the tourists?
- Which design can be seen on the dress other than QR code?
- Which place in Egypt do the tourists mainly visit?
- Would you like to have a dress like this?
- Have you ever been to Egypt? if not, do you want to travel?
- What is your opinion?