Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Zava Aero is a US company that made a new vehicle. This vehicle looks like a disc. This vehicle is electrical and therefore doesn’t make any gas. It had eight motors and can fly up to 260 kilometers per hour. It takes off vertically and then flies forward. It has been said that engineers wanted to fit a person inside who could control the vehicle. In the future, this vehicle is said to be great help to rescuers and doctors who can save people from any accident. Wealthy people have started to own these vehicles to travel.
disc (皿の様に平たい物体), vertically (垂直に), fit (収容する), rescuer (救助者), wealthy (お金持ちの)
- Who made the flying vehicle?
- What does the vehicle look like?
- What is the power source of the vehicle?
- How many motors does it have?
- How many kilometers per hour did the vehicle fly?
- Who can fly on this to rescue people in the future?
- What else did people use to travel?
- Would you like to have such a vehicle?
- What is your opinion?