The Heaviest Strawberry (世界一重いイチゴ)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

18 centimeters long strawberry in Israel broke Guinness record. Weight of it was 289 grams and was ten times larger than a normal strawberry. The second biggest strawberry was found in Japan and weight of it was 250 grams. The strawberry became big because the weather was cooler than usual and there was no sunlight for a long time.

broke (break破る,打ち立てる の過去形), weight (重さ), ten times (10倍), became (become成長する の過去形), weather (気候)


  1. How heavy was the strawberry broke Guinness record?
  2. Where did the strawberry grow?
  3. Where did the second biggest strawberry grow?
  4. Why did the strawberry grow bigger?
  5. Do you like strawberries? Why?
    (あなたはイチゴが好きですか? 何故ですか?)
  6. What is your opinion?