Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Due to cold weather in Israel, a strawberry that was grown by an Israeli farmer had become so big. The strawberry grows bigger if the weather is cooler than usual and there is insufficient sunlight for a long time. Under such conditions, strawberry doesn’t ripen and only grows bigger and bigger. After harvesting the fruit, he put it in the freezer. The strawberry broke Guinness record as the world heaviest. The weight of the strawberry was 289 grams. This strawberry was bigger than the strawberry that grew in Japan in 2015 that weight was 250 grams. All the other strawberries were ten times smaller than the biggest one. Basically, multiple berries grew and fused together to one great strawberry. During the strawberry season in late January and early February, it was particularly cold. The strawberry developed slowly for more than 45 days from flowering to the full ripening stage.
insufficient (不十分な), ripen (熟する), fuse together (合体する)
- How heavy was the strawberry broke Guinness record?
- Where did the strawberry grow?
- Where did the farmer keep the fruit?
- What was the weight of the strawberry that grew in Japan in 2015?
- Why did the strawberry grow bigger?
- What was the size of the normal strawberries?
- What would you do if you were given this strawberry?
- Do you like strawberries? Why?
- What is your opinion?