A mysterious star was found (謎の星の発見)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

In 2018 a new star was found by a student in Western Australia. This star is a neutron star. It is small and heavy. This star switches on and off light every 18 minutes. The light is so blight. People were surprised to see it. This was not the normal star. Scientists think that they cannot find such stars any more. The stars were seen through a telescope.

neutron star (中性子星), every 18 minutes (18分おきに), blight (明るい), any more (今後,これ以上), telescope (望遠鏡)


  1. When was this star found?
  2. Who found the star?
  3. Was it bright?
  4. What did the scientists use to look at the stars?
  5. Do you like watching the stars at night? Why?
    (あなたは星を見るのが好きですか? 何故ですか?)
  6. What is your opinion?