Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A cave in Indonesia had a painting of ancient animals discovered by the scientist from Griffith University, Australia. Several minerals were in the painting and it helped scientists know how old the painting was. This cave was in the mountains of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. It is difficult for people to go to this place because the cave was in the deep valley. After using a special method to find out how old the painting was, scientists found the painting was 45,500 years old. This painting had half-human and half-pig figure, a wild pig with a head, tail and legs and two human hands. Scientist said the cave painting was the oldest human art in the world.
discover (発見する), mineral (鉱物), method (方法), figure (図)
- Who found the painting?
- Where did the scientists find the painting?
- Was it easy for the people to go the valley?
- How old was the painting?
- How did scientist find out how old the painting was?
- What was in the painting?
- Was the cave painting found in Japan too?
- What is your opinion?