Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Joshua is seven years old and lives in Germany. He has problems with his lungs so a tube was attached to his neck and therefore he stayed at home. An avatar robot sits in his place at school. It has a light on its head. Every time Joshua needs something, a signal is sent to the robot. Then the robot’s light blinks and the teacher can know that Joshua needs something. The children talk to him, laugh with him and sometimes even chat with him during the lesson. Avatar can give the sick child a chance to stay in the school community. This robot is useful to all children who have similar problems.
lung (肺), attach (装着する), therefore (そのため), avatar (自分の分身), brink (点滅する)
- What is the boy’s name?
- How old is he?
- What does the robot have on its head?
- What do the children in the classroom with avatar robot?
- How did the teacher know that the boy needed something?
- How useful is it to the children of the same problem as Joshua?
- What is your opinion?