Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Dogs are not only man’s best friends, but they have good noses. Dogs can smell cancer. The dogs were trained by Italian scientists to smell prostate cancer. There is one dog that sniffs the cancer faster than the doctors. An Italian team try to make the device which can smell and detect cancer by studying dogs.
nose (鼻), smell (嗅ぐ), prostate (前立腺), cancer (がん), sniff (嗅ぐ), device (器具), detect (診断する)
- Who trains the dogs to smell cancer?
(誰が犬にがんを嗅ぎ分ける訓練をしてますか?) - What kind of cancer do the dogs smell?
(どの様な種類のがんを犬は嗅ぎ分けますか?) - Which can detect cancer faster, the doctor or the dog?
(医師又は犬のどちらが早く癌を診断しますか?) - What is your opinion?