Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
There was a baby bird, Java Green Magpie, in a zoo in Prague. The bird was looked after by a puppet. The baby bird loved to have food from the puppet. The baby bird learns a lot from the puppet. Number of Java Green Magpie is only around 50 in the forest in the world.
Java Green Magpie (ジャワ緑色カササギ), Prague (プラハ, チェコ共和国の首都), look after (世話をする), puppet (指人形)
- Was the bird a baby or an adult bird?
(その鳥は赤ちゃんですか? 大人ですか?) - Did the bird enjoy being looked after by the puppet?
(その鳥は指人形に世話をされるのを楽しんでいますか?) - In which zoo was the bird seen?
(その鳥はどこの動物園で見られますか?) - How many Java Green Magpie are there in the forest?
(世界中で何羽のJava Green Magpieが森林に生息してますか?) - What is your opinion?