Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Zookeepers in the zoo give food with ice block to two giraffes named Casper and Floppy in the zoo in North Macedonia. The temperature in summer season in North Macedonia is about 40C. The zookeepers cut vegetables and mix them with water and ice blocks then give to giraffes.
zookeeper (飼育員), ice block (氷のブロック), giraffe (キリン), North Macedonia (北マケドニア共和国), temperature (夏), vegetable (野菜)
- Who gives the ice blocks to the giraffes in the zoo?
(動物園でキリンに氷ブロックを与えているのは誰ですか?) - Where is the zoo?
(動物園はどこにありますか?) - What is the temperature in the summer at zoo?
(動物園の夏の気温は何度になりますか?) - What are given to giraffes with ice block?
(キリンには氷ブロックとともに何が与えられますか?) - What is your opinion?