Ice Eating Giraffes (氷を食べるキリン) – Level 3

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Caper and Floppy were two giraffes that came from Africa. They were given a special treat during the summer season by the zookeepers in the zoo in the city of Skopje in North Macedonia. Although they were used to the hot temperature of Africa, the zookeepers felt that it was good to keep them cool. The zookeepers gave them a block of ice with onions, apples, carrot and zucchini, all freshly prepared in zoo kitchen. Same arrangement is done for the other a few kinds of animals. The heat swept across North Macedonia with temperature at around 40C in mid-summer season in the recent year. This was done only in the summer season.

giraffe (キリン), North Macedonia (北マケドニア共和国), zucchini (ズッキーニ)


  1. Who gave the ice blocks to the giraffes in the zoo?
  2. Where is the zoo?
  3. What is the temperature in the summer at zoo?
  4. What were given to giraffes with ice block?
  5. Where are the giraffes from?
  6. What were the names of the two giraffes?
  7. Were the giraffes used to the hot temperature of Africa?
  8. Do you like summers or the winters? Why?
  9. What is your opinion?