Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
There were fifteen ducklings who had lost their mother. They became orphans in a village in Essex, England. The mother duckling disappeared and never came back. The ducklings needed a parent to take care of them. A ten-years-old Labrador dog named Fred took the ducklings as his children. The ducklings loved him. Every day, the dog took them on his back for a ride. They became one big happy family. It is a second time the Labrador has become a father after he looked after nine ducklings in 2018. The owner of the dog said “Fred is a bit older than when he looked after last time but he is still very kind and has a wonderful nature. I think Fred is benefitting from having the role in life and loves being part of the family here.”
duckling (アヒルの子), orphan (孤児), look after (世話をする), nature (気質)
- How old was the dog?
- What kind of dog was it?
- What happened to the mother duck?
- How many ducklings were there when the dog looked after?
- What is the dog’s name?
- Why did the ducklings love the dog?
- Have you ever heard the similar story in Japan?
- What is your opinion?