Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Three suns were seen in the sky in Mongolia. Among these, only the middle sun was real, and the other two on the left and right were the reflections. This is seen in very cold conditions at around -30C and when the position of sun is low.
middle (中心の), real (本物), on the left and right (左と右にあるのは), reflection (反射), condition (条件)
- How many suns were seen?
(いくつの太陽が見えたのですか?) - When can three suns be seen?
(どの様な時に3つの太陽が見えるのですか?) - Which sun was real among the three?
(3つのうちどの太陽が本物なのでしょうか?) - What is your opinion?