Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Due to cold conditions, three suns were seen in Mongolia. This phenomenon, a rare optical illusion, is known as anthelion. Only the middle sun was real, and the other two on the left and right were the reflections. The temperature must be below -30C for this condition to occur. It was explained that the reflection is seen when the sunshine in the sky and the light passes through the snow crystals when they are suspended in the air. The air needs to have clouds and vapor at the same time. They can be seen anywhere in the world but they are not always obvious or bright. This phenomenon is the best seen and are most visible when the position of sun is low.
anthelion (反対幻日), reflection (反射), vapor (蒸気)
- How many suns were seen?
- When can three suns be seen?
- Which sun was real among the three?
- What must the air have?
- What must be the temperature in order for three suns to be seen?
- What do you mean by reflection?
- Explain why the reflection is seen?
- Have you experienced such a condition?
- What is your opinion?