Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Gold was unearthed by an amateur archaeologist, Florian Bautsch, in northern Germany in 2014. He found ten coins by using a metal detector. Later 207 more were found. It is believed that these gold coins were buried during World War 2. Coins had been buried beneath the root of the tree that was removed later. The tree’s removal had scattered the coins. Expert said the coins had been belonged to National Nazi Bank because the bank’s emblem, as imperial eagle, was on two aluminum seals found with the coins. The price of the coins is around 45,000 euros. For Florian Bautsch, only 2,500 euros were given as finder’s reward. These coins were kept in a museum for display. The coins are of French, Belgian, Italian and Austro-Hungarian origins and date from 1831 to 1910.
unearth (発掘する), archaeologist (考古学者), bury (埋める), scatter (散らす)
- Where is the man from?
- How many gold coins did he find?
- When was the coins buried?
- Could he keep the coins? Why?
- How much were the coins worth?
- How much did the man get for finding the coins?
- Where were the gold coins displayed?
- What would you have done with the coins?
- What is your opinion?