Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Joseph Nicephore was born in 1765 in France. The first photograph was taken by him. It took him for 8 hours to take a first photo. The 16 photos were taken in 1827. Out of the 16, three are kept in a museum.
Joseph Nicephore (ジョゼフ・ニセフォール,写真技術の先駆者), photograph (写真), kept (keep保管する の過去分詞), museum (博物館)
- When was Joseph Nicephore born?
(いつジョゼフ・ニセフォールは生まれましたか?) - Where was he from?
(彼はどこの国の出身ですか?) - How many photos were taken in all?
(全部で何枚の写真が撮られましたか?) - How many photos were kept in the museum?
(何枚の写真が博物館に展示されていますか?) - What is your opinion?