Alcohol Drinking Chimpanzee (お酒を飲むチンパンジー) – Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

People love to drink alcohol. Scientists studied for 17 years and they found that chimpanzee liked to drink alcohol too. People make alcohol drink from sap of palm tree. Some of chimpanzee find the alcohol made from palm tree sap and drink it. They look like they are enjoying to drink.

found (find見つける の過去形), sap (樹液), palm tree (ヤシの木), look like (の様に見える)


  1. Which animals likes to drink alcohol?
  2. How many years did the scientists study about chimpanzees?
  3. What do people make alcohol from?
  4. Do you like to drink alcohol?
  5. What is your opinion?