Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Dr. Kimberley Hockings and her team from Oxford Brookes University conducted a 17-year study and found that wild chimpanzees in Guinea, West Africa, were drinking alcohol made from the sap of palm trees. People in the area make alcoholic drinks from the sweet, white sap of palm trees. They attach plastic containers to the palm trees to collect the sap, which ferments naturally into alcohol. The animals collected and drank the alcohol from the plastic containers, which had an alcohol content of around 7%. Dr. Hockings said some of the chimpanzees consumed significant quantities of alcohol and displayed behavioral signs of being drunk. This is proof that not only humans but animals also enjoy drinking alcohol. It may indicate that our enjoyment of alcohol is rooted in our ancient ancestors.
sap (樹液), palm tree (ヤシの木), Guinea (ギニア共和国, アフリカ西部に位置する), container (容器), strength (度数), behavioral sign (行動兆候), drunk (酔っ払い)
- Which animals like to drink alcohol?
- Who found chimpanzees drunk on alcohol?
- How many years did the scientists study chimpanzees?
- What do people make alcohol from?
- How do people make alcohol drink?
- What is the strength of the alcohol drink made from palm tree sap?
- Do you like to drink alcohol?
- What did the animals do after drinking?
- What is your opinion?