Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
There are several sharks in an aquarium, Seoul’s COEX Aquarium, in South Korea. People come to see them as major amusement. They were shocked because the biggest shark ate the smaller shark. This was unusual act because usually the killing of animals within the same species was not seen in the wild. Everyone at the aquarium was shocked. Sharks had their own territory. However, if other shark comes into the own territory, they try to bite to astonish the counterpart.
aquarium (水族館), amusement (楽しみなこと), be shocked (衝撃を受ける), unusual (普通ではない), act (事柄), species (種), in the wild (野生において), astonish (驚かす), counterpart (片方の相手)
- Where was the aquarium?
- What did the big shark kill?
- Who was shocked seeing this?
- Why were the people shocked?
- Why the smaller shark was killed?
- What is your opinion?