Big Earthquake in Greece (ギリシアの大地震) – Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

There was a big earthquake in Athens, the capital of Greece in 2019. Fortunately, no one died in the earthquake. Many buildings were damaged because they were old. Big earthquake doesn’t often happen in Athens. In 1999, there was a big earthquake and 143 people died.

earthquake (地震), Athens (アテネ, ギリシアの首都), fortunately (運が良いことに), die (死ぬ), damage (損傷を与える), happen (起きる)


  1. Where was the earthquake seen?
  2. Do people die in the earthquake?
  3. Were buildings damaged in earthquake?
  4. How many people died in earthquake in 1999?
  5. What is your opinion?