Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
People were panicked when they saw a leopard on the roof of a house. Forest rangers tried to move leopard away from the roof but they were pursued by it on the roof and jumped off the roof to avoid from leopard’s attack. The leopard was finally captured alive after about 12 hours. Three people included forest ranger got the nonserious injuries. The Indian leopard is widely living on the Indian subcontinent. It is listed as endangered species as populations have declined because of habitat loss and poaching for the illegal trade of skins. Population of Indian leopards was estimated around 13,000 only in 2014.
be panicked (慌てる), forest ranger (森林警護員), pursue (追われる), capture alive (生け捕りにする), subcontinent (亜大陸), endangered species (絶滅危惧種), habitat (生息地), poach (密猟)
- Where was the leopard found?
- What did forest rangers do when they were pursued by leopard?
- How long time was it taken to capture the leopard?
- How many people were injured?
- How many leopards are there in India?
- What are the reasons why the population of leopard declined?
- What would you do if you saw a leopard?
- What is your opinion?