The Photos of Pluto (冥王星の写真) – Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

An American man, Clyde Tombaugh, discovered Pluto in 1930 which was 7.2 billion kilometers from the earth. A NASA spacecraft, New Horizons, travel to Pluto and took good pictures of the planet. This planet is called a ‘dwarf planet’ as it is too small.

Clyde Tombaugh (クライド トンボ―, アメリカの天文学者), discover (発見する), Pluto (冥王星), billion (10億), spacecraft (宇宙船), dwarf planet (小惑星), as (なので)


  1. When was Pluto found?
  2. Who was the first one to find Pluto?
  3. How far was Pluto from earth?
  4. Who took good pictures of Pluto?
  5. What is your opinion?