Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
An American man, Clyde Tombaugh, discovered Pluto in 1930 which was 7.2 billion kilometers from the earth. A NASA spacecraft, New Horizons, travel to Pluto and took good pictures of the planet. This planet is called a ‘dwarf planet’ as it is too small.
Clyde Tombaugh (クライド トンボ―, アメリカの天文学者), discover (発見する), Pluto (冥王星), billion (10億), spacecraft (宇宙船), dwarf planet (小惑星), as (なので)
- When was Pluto found?
(いつ冥王星は発見されましたか?) - Who was the first one to find Pluto?
(誰が初めて冥王星を発見しましたか?) - How far was Pluto from earth?
(冥王星は地球からどれくらい離れていますか?) - Who took good pictures of Pluto?
(誰が冥王星の良い写真を撮影しましたか?) - What is your opinion?