Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Breakdance is a pillar of hip-hop. An official report estimated that there were roughly a million break dancers in the world. Breakdancing is a form of street dance and it comes from the US. The African American community created this in New York in the early 1970s. The International Olympic Committee has officially announced it will add breakdancing to the games under the name of Breaking from 2024 Olympics held in Paris. The break dancers at the Olympics will be judged not only on their technical skills but also on creativity and style that requires strength, speed, rhythm and agility.
pillar (柱), estimate (推定する), roughly (おおよそ), officially (公式に), agility (機敏さ)
- What was created in 1970s?
- How many breakdance dancers are there in the world?
- Who created breakdancing?
- From when will breakdance become an Olympic sport?
- Who officially announced the breakdance will become Olympic sport?
- How will the breakdance dancers be judged in Olympic game?
- What is your opinion?