Football club acquired (買収されたサッカーチーム)– Level 2

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Two Hollywood actors, Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhanney, invested their money in a football club, Wrexham AFC, in U.K. This club started in 1864. This is the third oldest football club in the world. The differences since they took over are clear to see for most Wrexham fans. They concentrate to utilize SNS to promote the club. Significant change was happened in social media followers’ number, with Twitter: 45K to 209K, Instagram: 27K to 208K and TikTok: 0 to 459K. As a result of the increased interest, the rise in season ticket sales has almost tripled within 2 years. This didn’t only benefit Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenny – it benefited Wrexham AFC fans too.

actor (俳優), invest (投資する), take over (継承する), clear to see (明らかである), concentrate (集中する), promote (宣伝する), ..K (千), benefit (利益を与える)


  1. Who were the Hollywood actors?
  2. What did they buy?
  3. When did the club start?
  4. What did they do for promotion?
  5. Have you seen any of these actors’ movies?
  6. Which social media are you using?
  7. What is your opinion?