Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Thousands of people marched against domestic violence in Argentina’s capital of Buenos Aires in April, 2022 as part of a movement now in its seventh year called “Not One Woman Less.” Protesters call on authorities to do more to tackle gender violence. There were frequent femicides happening every 35 hours with nearly 2,000 deaths related to gender violence for last 7 years. 81% of those killed classified as victims of domestic violence. Unfortunately, Argentinian justice is still slow in movement and the police do nothing for solving it.
domestic violence (家庭内暴力), Argentina (アルゼンチン。南米の共和国。首都 Buenos Aires), authorities (政府機関), tackle (取り組む), femicide (女性に対する暴力), justice (裁判所)
- In which country did the women protest?
- How many people walked the streets?
- Why did they protest?
- How many women are killed due to domestic violence in the country?
- Do Argentina justice or police move fast to stop domestic violence?
- Is domestic violence a big problem in Japan?
- What is your opinion?