Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee (クイーンエリザベスのプラチナ・ジュビリー)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Queen Elizabeth II was the queen of Britain and died in September, 2022. She was in her job for 70 years. She had a big ceremony called Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Central London in February, 2022. Ed Sheeran was one of the singers at the parade of this ceremony.

Britain (イギリス), ceremony (儀式), Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (プラチナ・ジュビリー。70周年の記念式典), Ed Sheeran (エドワード・クリストファー・シーラン。イギリスのシンガー)


  1. Who was the queen of Britain?
  2. For how many years was she the queen?
  3. Where was Queen’s Platinum Jubilee held?
  4. What is your opinion?