Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Queen Elizabeth II was Queen of the United Kingdom when she died in September, 2022. When her father died in 1952, Elizabeth, 25 years old, became queen. In February, 2022, 70 years anniversary of her duty called Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was held in London. Leaders from across the world including from China, France, Germany, United States and Japan sent messages of congratulations to the Queen. Ed Sheeran was one of the singers at the parade of this ceremony. A gold carriage was at the beginning of the parade. The carriage was 260 years old. She first sat in the carriage in the year 1953. The parade moved through the city. It was 5 kilometers long. 6000 people were in the parade.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (プラチナ・ジュビリー。70周年の記念式典), Ed Sheeran (エドワード・クリストファー・シーラン。イギリスのシンガー), carriage (四輪馬車)
- Who was the queen of Britain?
- For how many years was she the queen?
- Where was Queen’s Platinum Jubilee held?
- Which singer was at the parade?
- How old was the carriage?
- How many people were there at the parade?
- Have you heard any song of Ed Sheeran?
- What is your opinion?