The Selfie addict monkey (自撮りが好きな猿)– Level 3

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A Malaysian student reported that his phone was missing from his bedroom when he woke up. He found the phone’s case under his bed, but there was no sign of a thief in the house. The next day, when his father saw a monkey, he advised the student to search the jungle behind their house. Using his brother’s phone to call his own device, he finally found it covered in mud under a palm tree. To his surprise, he discovered a series of monkey selfies and videos recorded on his phone. It became clear that a monkey had stolen his phone and taken selfies with it. The monkey even tried to make a video of itself eating the phone. The student speculated that the monkey must have thought the phone was food because of its colorful case.

thief (泥棒)


  1. Where was the student from?
  2. When did he lose his phone?
  3. Where did he find the phone?
  4. How did he try to find his phone?
  5. Who stole his phone?
  6. What did the boy find on his phone?
  7. Was the thief caught?
  8. What is your opinion?