The Indian Couple (インドの夫婦)– Level 3

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Sanjeev Prasad, a 61-year-old Indian retired government officer, and his wife is unhappy. They sued their son and son’s wife. They wanted a grandchild and they cannot wait any longer. The son got married but doesn’t want to start a family as he is so busy with his work. He is a pilot. The man was married for six years. The couple spent a lot of money for his son’s pilot training in U.S. and cared for him a lot. But the son does not worry about his parents. The couple told the son that he had to have a child within one year if not they want 675,000 dollars. This is compensation for them.

sue (裁判所に訴える), compensation (賠償金)


  1. Why doesn’t the son want to have a child?
  2. Why is the couple unhappy?
  3. What did the couple want?
  4. Did the son care for his parents?
  5. What was the job of the son?
  6. For how many years was the son married?
  7. How much do the couple ask for as compensation?
  8. What is your opinion?