Orange colored sky (オレンジ色の空)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Storm Celia came with dust from Sahara Desert. The sky in Spain became bright orange. The dust travelled 2500 kilometers from North Africa. The storm was strong and brought orange rain in Europe. People could not do sports outside.

Storm Celia (2022年に西ヨーロッパを襲ったセリア暴風雨), dust (砂ぼこり), Sahara Desert (サハラ砂漠, 北アフリカの世界一広大な砂漠), bright (あざやかな), brought (bring運ぶ の過去形), could (canの過去形)


  1. What moved the dust from Sahara Desert?
  2. What color was the sky in Spain?
  3. Could people do the sports outside?
  4. What is your opinion?