The problematic bottled water (問題の多いボトルの水)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Around 800 million people do not have safe water to drink in the world. People can normally buy water in a plastic bottle. Bottled water is the most popular drink in the US. This water is not better than water from a tap. It is much more expensive.

million (百万), to drink (飲むための), normally (普通に), bottled water (ボトルに入った水), popular (普及している), better than (よりも良い), tap (蛇口), expensive (高い)


  1. How many people do not have safe water to drink?
  2. Where is bottled water most popular in?
  3. Is bottled water expensive?
  4. What is your opinion?