Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Around 800 million people do not have safe water to drink in the world. People can normally buy water in a plastic bottle. Bottled water is the most popular drink in the US. This water is not better than water from a tap. It is much more expensive.
million (百万), to drink (飲むための), normally (普通に), bottled water (ボトルに入った水), popular (普及している), better than (よりも良い), tap (蛇口), expensive (高い)
- How many people do not have safe water to drink?
(世界で安全な水を得られない人々が何人いますか?) - Where is bottled water most popular in?
(ボトル飲料水が最も一般的に飲まれる国はどこですか?) - Is bottled water expensive?
(ボトル飲料水は高いですか?) - What is your opinion?