Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A young girl had a bad experience when she travelled with her family and friends to Zambia. Amelie was 18 years old and she was from Hampshire, UK. As she swam in Zambezi River, a crocodile attacked her and was pulled under water. She was saved by her father and friends. They scared the crocodile away. The girl was taken to the hospital and her leg and lip were injured. The girl received immediate treatment and the people later repatriated her to the trauma center of a hospital in the UK where she got a total of seven operations. Doctors said that she would be fully recovered within a year.
Zambia (アフリカ南部に位置, ザンビア共和国), Hampshire (イギリスの南部に位置, ハンプシャー州), scare (怖がらせる), repatriate (移送する)
- What was the girl’s name?
- Where did she travel?
- With whom did she travel?
- Which experience did she get?
- Where did she get seven operations?
- Have you seen or experienced such an event?
- Are there crocodiles in Japan? Where crocodiles are there in Japan?
- What is your opinion?