Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
About 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer during their life time. Breast cancer is a dangerous disease however, there is a good chance of recovery if it’s detected at an early stage. Breast cancer have several symptoms, but the first noticeable symptom is usually area of thickened breast tissue. The pink ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. People wear the pink ribbon to show that they care about women with breast cancer. Pink ribbons are mostly seen during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
diagnose (診断する), breast cancer (乳腺がん), disease (病気), early stage (初期段階), symptom (症状), noticeable (顕著な), thicken (厚くする), tissue (組織), awareness (認識), care about (大事に思う)
- Is breast cancer dangerous?
- What do people wear as a symbol of breast cancer?
- Can breast cancer patient recover if the cancer can be found at early stage?
- What is the noticeable symptom of breast cancer?
- Has anyone had breast cancer in your family?
- What is your opinion?