The wall of Turkey (トルコの壁)– Level 2

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

The construction of the 295-kilometers and three meters height wall made of concrete blocks along the border of Turkey and Iran will be finished by 2023. Turkish government has already built the wall that was 190 kilometers long as of April 2022. This wall stopped almost 103,000 refugees from Afghanistan. 3.7 million refugees from Syria are already in Turkey. Turkey cannot look after more refugees. These refugees have run away from their countries. Refugees from Afghanistan are afraid of the Taliban and so they left the country.

made of (から作られた), as of (時点で), refugee (避難民), look after (面倒を見る), Taliban (タリバン, アフガニスタンを実効支配するイスラム教スンナ派)


  1. Who built the wall?
  2. Why was it built?
  3. How long is it as of April 2022?
  4. How many Afghans were stopped by the wall?
  5. How many Syrian refugees are there in Turkey?
  6. Why do the people from Afghanistan run away?
  7. What is your opinion?